Back Game Deving!
I finally found time and some inspiration to do some prototyping! It’s been a long time since my last blog post and a few things have changed since then.
New 3d Modeler
I have started using AC3D to make modular building assets for Leadwerks. I went with AC3D over Blender because AC3D was quicker to pick up and I was able to set the grid to somewhat match Leadwerks Scale. Blender to me from a UI perspective is middle finger to a newbie, and it’s features discoverablity is garbage. I have been able to make some prototype Models that I can quickly build scenes with instead off making entire buildings all at once.
Back To My Zombie Game
It’s been a while since I actually did any serious work on it. When I left of on it I was working on the zombie AI. Now, I’m still working on it. I decided to start over on the script since my programming habits may have changes slightly and my new plans may cause complications with whatever I have made so far. What I currently have so far is line of sight. I have horizontal FOV implemented and vertical FOV will soon follow. I have both so I can allow the player to be high or low enough from the AI and in front to be out of sight. After line of sight is implemented, other senses (smell, hearing, and maybe awareness) will be added in. After all senses are implemented, then wandering, following and attacking the player will be added. Finally out of view spawning will be added.
The World
I have decided to put the game world on the back burner. I never really had any good scenarios that would would be fun to play, so instead of just making something up just to have I have put it in the background. With the new prototype parts I have modeled I can now make small testing areas. The prototype parts will also double as the parts I will use to build the games world. This time I will sit down and actually draw out the parts of the world and reason out why they are there and what it means to the player.
So far this is a lot to do in my spare time, but hopefully if I keep them small simple targets/goals I should be able to power through them when I have the time to do so. I hope to have a working AI prototype soon so I can build world that compliments the AI rather than make the AI fit the world after the fact.
I hope to return to updating the blog more often. If not, see you when I see you!
Posted in Coding on Mar 26, 2017.