Sum of their parts...

After watching some GDC videos from Bethesda, I realized that I was working unnecessarily hard at creating worlds. In particular, large amounts of time was spent on making buildings that were never used. After watching, I began to come up with the minimal number of pieces required to make all combination of walls containing doors and windows. At the current moment I don't have the exact amount but it is around 16 with the potential to grow larger. I am now in the process of making a greybox kit consisting of various walls with various door and window openings.

Hopefully in the future I will be able to keep up the modular building kits. Prototyping levels should go quickly now, limited only to my imagination.

All the different possible walls that can be created, excluding corner pieces.

A building made of the seperate wall pieces.

*note to self, make a proper blog template that will restrain images

Posted in Coding on Nov 17, 2016.