VMF file parsing

I spent an insane amount of hourse today writing a vmf file reader. This time it was my third attempt and I should say that I am very pleased with the results. This version is not only smaller it also is massivly faster. The reader is able it handle megabytes of data in seconds as to the minutes it use to take. Currently it only treats the vmf as a simple nested named groups of keyvalue pairs. The next step is to store the data in strictly typed entities. The final goal of this project is to create a converter that takes the vmf files that the Leadwerks game engine creates and produce a gmf/mdl file that Leadwerks can use as a model. This has 2 benifits. First, when implmented using the csg union process that the vmf/bsp's use I can reduce and eliminate un-needed polygons. Second, It will allow faster model creation reducing the steps needed to build a scenario/scene. There are other benifits but it is very late and I should be in bed right now.

Posted in Coding on Oct 19, 2015.