Blog Posts

Elevators are hard

Sep 01, 2018

Not much to show at the moment. I am currently prototyping the games levels and things are starting to shape up. The current roadblock is the elevator. It should have been simple enough, it's a box with sliding doors. When looking at the elevator it looked wrong, until I thought back on how another video game (Left 4 Dead) did them. It reminded me that there are doors attached to the building in addition to the elevator itself. Understanding this, I now need to create additional wall types to accommodate elevator openings. See you next entry.

Small Victories

Aug 18, 2018

I finished coding the most basic interaction scripts. Creating and solving puzzles are now possible. This is mostly where I get stuck. Creating compelling puzzles is somthing I was never very good at. Next thing I will be working on is light beams. These will add a cool layer of depth to the game play. Nothing super huge but it's the little things. Hopefully In the future I will be able to show more levels and other fun stuff Here is a gif of of the door opening and closing when I walk up to it.

Creating Puzzles

Aug 14, 2018

So far everything is moving along slowly. I have managed to hobble together a system to wire the puzzle logic using godot signals. I now have platoforms able to communicate with logic nodes and doors.

Doors and Holding Boxes

Aug 08, 2018

I've made a little progress with my game. Not much to say other than I have implimented picking up objects and simple door mechanics. Here is just a simple door animation. It has open, opening, closed, closing, and reset open and closed animations. I'll add some user interaction code to deal with regular doors. This is the object holding code. It is a bit complicated because of how it behaves. The object is not parented to the player. It calculates a distance for the cameras look direction and sets that as the target position. Then using the objects current position and target position I g...

Conveyor belts are hard

Mar 03, 2018

I have spent the past few days getting conveyor belts working in the Godot Engine. I thought it would be as simple as adapting how Unity approaches to Godot. That was simply fruitless since Godot and Unity seem to handle physics differently. I resorted to setting the axis velocity each frame, but this had a side effect. Anything on the converyor belt was essentially being dragged along. This meant that they would roll towards it's destination, even if it was a box. Changing the friction of the conveyor belt caused the objects to ping pong on the conveyor belt.the solution I finally settled on ...