Blog Posts

Coding For Godot

Jan 10, 2016

Lately I have been spending some quality time with the Godot Engine. Nothing serious just a small some code here and a guide there. My current project is to replicate the Character Controller from Leadwerks in Godot. One of my biggest gripes with Leadwerks is that you can not change the height or radius of the controller. This made creating very large or small characters a no go. I have managed to create code that will take the height and radius you give it and create a capsule shape that will fit around your mesh. I have added basic movement but no mouse look, so it's not quite made for fps's...

Small programming update

Jan 09, 2016

I started doing some gane development using the Leadwerks engine again. I have 2 projects going on. One is a zombie game akin to the Left 4 Dead series, and the other a rts template that does the most common rts actions. A short video of the rts stuff:

Doing stuff when I can...

Dec 16, 2015

I've had even less time to do any coding, but I have started learning OpenGL 3.3/4. Nothing big just the drawing a triangle and loading shaders.

So much to do, so little time.

Nov 11, 2015

Life has been keeping me pretty busy. I also havent had much time to mess around with my vmf converter. Working on it took ever increasing amounts of time and less to make games with. I have been doing alot of game story brainstorming and making 3d models that could possibly be used in my game. Something that I am quickly realizing is that the game making process is very hard, and very long. My goal is to make one game that does at the minimum one thing well. As I get time I will post more about what I am working on.

Vmf Reader Progress

Oct 21, 2015

Made some good progress on the vmf reader. So far what I have created a parser that will read the whole file and store it in a nested keyvalue classes. Now I'm taking the keyvalues and placing them in a strictly typed structure. Lots of recursion going on in certian places. Hopefully by the end of this week I will be done coding this and starting work on spitting out a proper obj file with proper texture mapping. The texture mapping will be the real hard part. I will try to post about it when I can.