Blog Posts
Sum of their parts...
After watching some GDC videos from Bethesda, I realized that I was working unnecessarily hard at creating worlds. In particular, large amounts of time was spent on making buildings that were never used. After watching, I began to come up with the minimal number of pieces required to make all combination of walls containing doors and windows. At the current moment I don't have the exact amount but it is around 16 with the potential to grow larger. I am now in the process of making a greybox kit consisting of various walls with various door and window openings. Hopefully in the future I will be...
Website Update!
Finally got around to making an actual website and stopped using a modified October cms blog template. Currently it's very sparse with some features still missing. Hopefully sometime in the near future I will update the site again to a better looking layout. In other semi-related news, I have started to 'formaly' learn javascript and other web technologies. I'm not going to school or anything, just going through the lessons at Free Code Camp. Hopefully what I learn sticks and I can broaden my skillset.
Everything, Brand New!
Life for me has been in running in overdrive. I moved to a bigger apartment, applying for advancement in my workplace and looking for a new car. Hardly much time has been spent programming or making any assets for games. Hopefully now I will have some time to code some random stuff. My current project is a simple level editor. I have found that there are few general purpose 3d level editors similar to Hammer level editor or 3d World Studio. Deled is an option but the interface to me is a bit cumbersome. I’m going to give making a level editor a try to see if I can make something workable. Not ...
Looking through cameras and Godot and others
I have manag to spend alot of quality programming time and have been able to create a few scripts for Leadwerks. First off is the multi-view character controller. This script allows the dev to have 1 script and use that for first, third, and third person over shoulder views. It is currently very alpha and needs to be cleaned up alot. Much of the math that went into this script was above my head. When I finally refactor it I should be able to understand more of the math and simplify it. Multi-View Charater Controller Here is a script for rts games. It allows a player to use WASD and the mouse ...
Bringing zombies to life
I'm starting yet another game programing project, hopefully I finish this one. This project is of a more limited scope. The goal is to have a functional zombie AI system. I will be using the Leadwerks Engine to do the scripting. Since its late and I'm lazy, I'm just going to copy paste the notes from the source code. --[[ Title: Zombie AI Author: Einlander Start Date: 1-22-2016 Version: .01 Description: AI script for zombies Notes: This script is designed to mimic Left 4 Dead 2 Common Infected behavior. The behaviors that we are attempting to target are: Light Se...