Blog Posts

Dev Update 8-21-17

Aug 21, 2017

This last week I spent more time working on my multiplayer game project. I have an idea of what I want it to be but as of yet I have not worked a single asset or even gameplay code. So far I find myself working on frameworks and sub-systems. Last week I mentioned that I needed to work on a server browser. While creating it I found that you can't locally manage gui events locally, all events must be handled globaly, so off I went to create an event manager that grabs all the events and sends them off to all subscribed callbacks. Hopefully I can now start moving forward.

Project Updates

Aug 15, 2017

Still programming stuff while I can. Been working on networking on a server / client game project in Leadwerks. So far I am able to do a handshake between the client and server, then have all changed entities sync properly across the network. There is no server reconciliation or client prediction so I doubt it will work well at long distances, high ping. I started using git because a backup trashed the project and set my development back. I had implemented a clientside buffer and was able to lerp to the new position. It preformed absolutly horribly. I also realized that I needed to implement a...

Still making stuff!

Jul 14, 2017

It's been far to long since there has been an update to the blog. I have spent some time scripting random things. The most recent completed project was a grenade script for a Leadwerks contest. Being a Left 4 Dead fan I created a grenade script that doubles as a pipebomb script. It can attract zombies to wherever it is thrown. Leadwerks has added networking commands to the lua api in the latest update. I am currently learning networking and attempting to create a system similar to how Quake and the Source engine function. Clients can already connect to the server, perform a handshake, join a t...

Back Game Deving!

Mar 26, 2017

I finally found time and some inspiration to do some prototyping! It’s been a long time since my last blog post and a few things have changed since then. New 3d Modeler I have started using AC3D to make modular building assets for Leadwerks. I went with AC3D over Blender because AC3D was quicker to pick up and I was able to set the grid to somewhat match Leadwerks Scale. Blender to me from a UI perspective is middle finger to a newbie, and it’s features discoverablity is garbage. I have been able to make some prototype Models that I can quickly build scenes with instead off making entire buil...

Week of 11-26-2016 Update

Nov 26, 2016

Happy Belated Thankgiving! The Game Story This week I've spent some quality time fleshing out the plot of my demo game. So far it's going swimmingly. As long as I have good music I should be able to write a little bit every day. Game assets In the last blog entry I talked about making modular building pieces. The first building kit I now plan to work on are suburban ranch houses. I can invision how all the parts should look. The only issue may be how I build the roof. Godot Engine I haven't done much at all in this engine. The engine is undergoing some radical changes. There is a new renderer ...